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We are Gerriheads

Founded during the fourth season of the hit HBO TV series "Succession," the Gerriheads are named after Gerri Kellman, General Counsel and interim CEO of Waystar Royco.
Although Succession, a four-season television series from HBO, has concluded after four seasons, the Gerriheads remain a group chat to this day.
This is our website.


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  • T

    Founding member, T, is highly gifted.

  • Bubba

    Another founding member, Bubba, joined at the same time as T.

  • M&L

    A package deal, M&L are the two other members of the Gerriheads.

Constitution and Bylaws

The Gerriheads held their first board meeting and began a draft of a Constitution. It is not public.
The second board meeting was repurposed as a beer mile but a constitution remains in the works.

Play Chess
  • 1,000+ Messages
  • 100+ Images
  • 4 Members
  • 4 Seasons
  • 1 Gerri

Nam elementum nisl et mi a commodo porttitor. Morbi sit amet nisl eu arcu faucibus hendrerit vel a risus. Nam a orci mi, elementum ac arcu sit amet, fermentum pellentesque et purus. Integer maximus varius lorem, sed convallis diam accumsan sed. Etiam porttitor placerat sapien, sed eleifend a enim pulvinar faucibus semper quis ut arcu. Ut non nisl a mollis est efficitur vestibulum. Integer eget purus nec nulla mattis et accumsan ut magna libero. Morbi auctor iaculis porttitor. Sed ut magna ac risus et hendrerit scelerisque. Praesent eleifend lacus in lectus aliquam porta. Cras eu ornare dui curabitur lacinia.

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